Saturday, April 10, 2010

Looking Forward to a better week....

Good Morning all...
Well, this week was a total bust. I had my bi-weekly treatment on my foot Tuesday, and I had so much pain this time that I couldn't walk. I couldn't even take care of my babies the rest of the week.  So, here I sat for the last three days, on my heine doing nothing!  As most of you know me, I am not one to sit around and do nothing. It drives me nuts.

This morning, I can at least walk a little normally. Man, I can't wait until this thing on my foot is gone.

I am still going strong on Medifast. My weigh in days are Tuesday mornings, so I will wait to see how the week went, but let me tell ya...It was a very difficult week. With not being able to do anything, sitting around bored and thinking about food was not a good thing. I don't know why I torture myself with watching Food Network, but it's one of my fav channels! I did a lot of thinking about all of the forbidden foods, then I struggled, texted a friend for help and did a lot of praying!  Well, I am happy to say that I am still 100% OP and I haven't slipped once! (ty God)

Can you tell I'm  I have nothing to say, really.
Thanks for visiting my blog. It really does make me smile! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Geez, that must've been so super hard staying on track when you had to just sit around. I can't believe you tortured yourself with watching food shows LOL!

    Good for you Kathy :O)
