Thursday, March 25, 2010

Catching up!

Well...It has been a few days since I have been back to update my blog. I get so busy during the day between the kids and the laundry list of things I have to take care of for our family, I just don't have time to finish setting up my blog. :o}   Oh well...better than being bored!

The big news, at least to me... is my weight loss. As of  3/23, I have lost 62 lbs!!!  This program that I am on, Medifast (MF) is pretty amazing.  I have been doing the full on program 100% as of 1/12/10, but I did start using the supplements from MF since 1/1/10.  On New Years Day, I started drinking more water, eating healthy and using a couple of MF supplements to get my body ready for the shock of deprivation. lol  I lost 7 lbs doing that for 2 wks. 
I can tell you that it has not been easy.  o.k....I love me some McDonald's just like the rest of ya!  I also had quite a bond with the Pizza man and his weekly deliveries.  Although, I was fooling myself when I would order from Jason's Deli, which they are famous for serving Organic    That's all good, if you eat 1 portion but we were eating enough for 2 meals. Yes, we...Nelson was enjoying right along with me.
So, now that I am eating well and losing weight...Nelson is too!  It's o.k. though. As thin as Nelson is he was starting to build a "tool shed",  if ya know what I mean. lol

Soon...real soon I am going to have to go out and buy some new pants. They are seriously baggin' on me.  I already bought a new bra three sizes smaller!!! and last weekend I bought new undies...2 sizes smaller!!   I feel so much better. I can sleep flat in the bed now. Before I had to sleep sitting up otherwise I couldn't breathe. I was in such denial about how much I weighed. I didn't even see it until someone took a picture of me and I could see how bad it really was. That's why I hate getting my picture taken.

Well, I will close for now. Enjoy the pics of my "kids" that I posted. I need to put up more when I have the time.


  1. I loved reading your post AND looking at the photos of your darling children. I'm so happy to share your journey with you - what a joy and a blessing!

  2. Oh Kathy! I am so happy that you are doing this! How terrible that must have been to not be able to sleep laying flat. I am so glad that you are feeling better. Your health is so important, both mentally and physically. I hope that you are taking progress pictures, and will share with me one day :O)
